Hey everyone! This is Jon Kania's blog: A contraversal story of conspiracy & the supernatural (no more lies or compromise) The Cutting edge prophetic word Daily Revelations Words of wisdom Poetry Inspiriation#Artwork Design & Creations. Photography Daily thoughts Just wanted to say a few things, explore a few subjects and keep writing for the Glory of God!

Friday 4 December 2009

Made powerless by brokeness

Made Powerless by Brokenness

Kathryn Kuhlman once said "The Heavenly Father does not ask for golden vessels. He does not ask for silver vessels. God asks for yielded vessels - those who will submit their will to the will of the Father. And the greatest human attainment in all the world is for a life to be so surrendered to Him that the name of God Almighty will be glorified through that life."

In a quiet moment with the Lord I had a vision of a broken instrument. In the vision, I carefully picked up the instrument. I then noticed that the bridge was broken and some of the strings were frayed and could no longer stay in place. Distraught, I carefully layed the instrument down and realized that it would be futile to try and make a melody out of something that could no longer stay in tune. I thought, "how could this happen? One minute this instrument was able to be played by the Master and now it is in need of deep repair."

Needless to say, I pondered this for days. Finally the Lord spoke to my heart and said "You must
become powerless by brokenness in order to be an effective instrument in days ahead. The instruments that I need must be available 24/7. They must be about my business and not their own. They must release a resonating sound that will echo throughout the earth. They must be honed in and stay finely tuned. An effective instrument is an instrument that has no gile, nor selfish motives. I require priests that will serve Me, and Me alone. Through this service My Kingdom will Come and My Glory will fill the earth."

Let's agree that the Lord isn't interested in our outer frame or workings. It's the pure ointment that lies within us that He is after. You see a vast Treasure lies deep within all of us, but if we refuse to be broken, then who will have access to the Treasure within?

Do you not understand that without the breaking of the old; the new can never come forth?

For brokenness is the pathway that brings forth a pleasing and acceptable fragrance unto Him and it is this path that opens the door to fruitfulness. It is the narrow way sprinkled by the blood of the Lamb, and paved with great sacrifice. It is a journey we all must take in order to be instruments of His Glory; playable only by Him.

In order for God Almighty to be glorified we must be yielded to the Master. When we yield, the power of agreement causes us to release a melodious sound and fragrance that is pleasurable and acceptable to Him.

It is when this process is in operation that the vessel can be restrung, tuned, and suitable to make a resonating sound in the earth. It is for this purpose, that we are broken and restrung. It is in the breaking process that we become sound instruments made ready for Kingdom purposes.

Let us understand that the fragrance from the hidden place must flow freely for it is a priceless perfume. We will never be able to count the cost of this fragance. We need only the assurance that when left unhindered, its flow will reflect a life of worship. And a life of worship is a life that yields Perfected Praise.

Remember...the narrow way is the pathway of worship and one who worships by the Spirit and by Truth will always be a pleasing fragrance.

(Written by Rose Gervasi,Keepers of the Flame)

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