Hey everyone! This is Jon Kania's blog: A contraversal story of conspiracy & the supernatural (no more lies or compromise) The Cutting edge prophetic word Daily Revelations Words of wisdom Poetry Inspiriation#Artwork Design & Creations. Photography Daily thoughts Just wanted to say a few things, explore a few subjects and keep writing for the Glory of God!

Sunday 6 December 2009

Because of the Cross - You are not alone

Prophetic Word:
"Because of the Cross - You are not alone"

Something really interesting to think about - When Jesus died He was not alone - He had company.
Even nailed to the Cross He hung next to two thieves. However there was a dramatic difference in these two men. One was a blasphemer and mocked Jesus, the other was softer in heart, lets have a recap of the story:

Luke 23:39-43
[39] One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!"
[40] But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? [41] We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong."
[42] Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
[43] Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

I read from a devotional recently:
"We are constantly torn by the dilemma of attraction and revulsion displayed for us in the crucifixion. We are not comfortable as we take our stand at the foot of the Cross"
How true is this? Because of our fallen nature how easy it is to forget our salvation & forget to love one another!
So which criminal are we? All have fallen from Grace, so which one are we the blasphemer with the hard heart or the tender hearted thief? The man that found that Gods powerful Grace & Salvation could touch him right where He was, what a love story.

Prophetic Word:

Right here, right now because of the Cross you are not alone. How easy it would be to fall into thee deception of feeling lonely when the truth is Christ Spirit is inside us and all around us, if we are abiding in Him then we are breathing in His presence....
So stop for a minute...take a deep breath...and Breath in Christ....

His strength, His Love, His anointing, His peace, His wonder, His Majesty, His name above all other names, His His deep majestic presence in you...
Breath in the fragrace of his Holiness, His perfect love that casts out all fear, Breath into the heavenlies, Setting your thoughts on high above your problems, Breath deep in His Glory!

Breath with all your heart, all your soul, all of your thoughts, let your entire focus be upon His Majesty. let His downpouring of Grace wash away all your fears, all your tears, all your pain, all your frustration, all your of heart needs a touch from the King, let Him hold you....

Let go and sink into His Loving embrace, oh the sweet smell of the fragrance of eternal life! So close to your skin, so close to your heart, His love filling your heart, bringing an end to every evil thought you have ever questioned.....

You can barely understand what is happening...but that is ok, let go.....

Breath in my love Beloved, refresh your souls, Taste my grace, all of your senses invigorated and overwhelmed by my Love

Open your hearts, open your eyes and learn to trust me in This Dimension....I am with you, I live in your hearts beloved, I am making special places for you that when you come to Heaven, you will behold with wonderous rapture,
Stay close to me, stay close to my angels
Can you feel my Glory calling You?
Can you see?
My eyes reaching into your heart, delivering you from all your sins, all the thoughts you struggle with...Did you see that shooting star? I made that one just for you...

Can you see? have the scales been removed yet? Will you allow me to heal your heart from its fallen poisons? will you permit me to take the sting out of death for you?
Will you see my mountains rush with golden oil and new wine? Stretching into the heavens, Can you see them beloved? can you see my Mountains of Grace & Mercy? can you hear the mighty rushing of oil sliding out of the rock? Can you see the flood of glory?

Can you see my heart? Have you seen the love I have for the nations?
can you see my later day rain?
can you feel the heat of my fires of glory?
can you sense the waters of Love reviving your soul?

Come child into my embrace. my love will be your shelter. i will stay forever here with you. i love you more than life....

You are no longer strangers to me, you are no longer a criminal on a cross, You are no longer alone, You are Mine, Mine to love forever....Redeeemed my the power of My Love!!

Let me hold you Child, Let the fears go, let bitterness end, Let go and learn to love from my embrace..
I love you like the eternal rain of paradise...I love you like the morning sunrise,

You are my sunshine- My children I long to pour out my love upon you!

You will never be the same again....

I love you with all of Myself.

Forever yours
Abba Father --x--

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