When God works on our hearts
When God works on our hearts it can be a slow gradual process which we often fight Him all the way if we are to be truthful!
I am sorry to have to admit this but i believe we should still be experiencing amazing miracles. Many believers are just trying to be "good" in their own strength, and i for one are definately guilty of this! We seem to miss the revelation that we are fallen - and fallen from Gods glory - his heart - his true worship & His grace.
To live a holy life we really need Him more than we realise.
When i take Him out of the game plan i commit a whole manner of sins and believe all sorts of devilish lies, and what is the point?
I have prooved in my life that the wages of sin are most definately death and that all my ideas, thoughts,imaginations are the product of fallen man.
I have missed the whole point that Jesus said
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18)
Can you imagine a man so kind as to rescue us from temptation, who lived a pure thought life free from every kind of sin, who did nothing wrong but everything right.
he ate with the vilest people of the day; tax collectors, prostitutes, he healed the poor and the sick and he gave powerful warnings to the rich,to the religious and to those who struggle in their sins.
he did not come to condemn the worlds people but to save them.
how we miss the point so easily:
The point is he has given us a free gift of the Holy Spirit because we have given our lives to Him.
Im sure the more we surrender our lives to Him - the more we will see His power - and the more miracles will be produced in oour lives and in the lives of others. This is why i believe: i have fallen short of Gods glory - His power beyond comprehension and I need to learn to trust Him by giving Him every compartment of my heart, all that is within me must belong to Him, as he has purchased my soul from the Grave (from Hell itself and all the boastful evil spirits & demonic powers)
God has said He will never leave us, so He is right beside us and living IN us.
What glory!
let us rest in His love beloved, for He is the only absolute truth, anything else is a lie, no matter how loud those feelings are, they will just seem to fade away like a flower in the baking sunshine.
Im going to trust Him, I must give Him all my heart and not live as a divided man, i beleive when i live only for Him and forsake everything else to satisfy my needs then I will see the days of miracles returning & manifesting in my life.
It is just a matter of time.
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