Hey everyone! This is Jon Kania's blog: A contraversal story of conspiracy & the supernatural (no more lies or compromise) The Cutting edge prophetic word Daily Revelations Words of wisdom Poetry Inspiriation#Artwork Design & Creations. Photography Daily thoughts Just wanted to say a few things, explore a few subjects and keep writing for the Glory of God!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

An even greater power

An even greater power

I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to an Apostolic Christianity.
by this I mean men and women living in the KINGDOM reaching out to the poor and the needy and the oppressed & the broken in spirit. I believe signs and wonders will follow the Lords word preched through His presence. power evangelism & discipleship is a must. I have a friend in Ghana who has laid down his life for this call. And he brings people to God and he disciples them, this is where the follow up is most important. How we show our care about someone learning to embarce Christ's Spirit is essential. so many believers are shoved into churches and the churches are shoved into believers. I believe it is time to do church differently. I do believe there is a great harvest of souls coming but who will harnass them? who will tend to them? shephard them? there are many who do go to church, all for different reasons but mostly because church puts people off. people who are spiritual searchers are hungry and thirsty in thier souls and thier spirits for something real, tangible, new and exciting and that ultimately refrects God. Who is God? Where is the God of power & compassion these days? Have the 2 characteristics been separeted and idolated? and more importantly who is God to certain people groups? Ie the new Age community. Who is God for them? How can we as believers witness to this group?

David Herzog "Today, there have been reports from various countries, including Argentina, about people levitating while preaching. If people involved in magic and sorcery levitate and acn draw a crowd in broad daylight as has been known in New York City by modern magicians & those using demonic power, how much more can the true children of God, blood bought believers, move in eveen greater demonstrations of His power?-------Will we rise up to the occasion as moses did with his rod and challenge the current power and demonstrate an even greater power?
Or will the followers of Jesus shy away from the challenge and play it safe behind church walls every Sunday? Some consider New Age followers to be the largest un-reached people group in America and along with Islam, the number of follwers is growing in many nations worldwide"----------"We must rise up and lead them to the one true God of all power and love"

I believe it is time that we are going to see a great church-quake; a Holy shake up of divine re-order and redistribution and ultimately of the worlds wealth. Great promised are stored up for the saints but where are we? are we scattered or in unity?

Satan will always try his no 1 tactic of deception and his no 2 tactic of division.
let us be aware of this. right now God is watching us. He knows who really loves him and who does not. Let us keep in Spirit, love Gods voice and follow His small quiet inner promptings. Great things are around the corner. Enjoy the transition--it will become our greatest mission.

God bless you.

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